Homework Assignments

Homework Assignments
 This is the homework assignment page. Here you will find everything that is due in my class along with the due dates.

Light and its' properties
  1. Click on the "Homework Postings" tab above. On that page, I want you to write at least 3 paragraphs explaining what you learned about light and its' properties. Discuss what light is, what it does, and how it is manipulated or changed. I expect professionalism in everything that you do. I want postings to be free of spelling and grammatical errors and put together in a professional manner. No slang or improper words. I will be grading you on length and how the response is put together. I will provide you with a Rubric so you know exactly what I am looking for...PROFESSIONAL WORK. This assignment is due on 11/15 by 11:59 p.m. 
  3. Fill out the homework sheet I provided for you on 11/7. If you were absent and did not get one, see me before or after class and one will be provided to you. This coincides with Chapter 9. Bring this to class on 11/15 for a grade. Any late homework assignments will lose 10 points for everyday that it is late.

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