
This is the activities page. Here you will find any activities I assign in class to be done at home. These are easy and fun.
Light and its' properties
  1. For the first activity I want you to see how light refracts, separating into different colors to form a rainbow. All you need is a glass of water (about three quarters full), white paper, and a sunny day. To do this activity, take the glass of water and the paper to anywhere sunny. Put the glass of water above the paper and let the light shine through the water and onto the paper. Viola! Try moving the glass around at different angles and heights for different effects. This link will take you to a website with this activity and other fun Science related things.
  2. For the second activity, take the same glass of water but pour some out until it is about half way full. Then take a pencil and put it in the glass. Do you notice anything different about how the pencil looks under water? It looks bigger and bent because the light refracts differently under water causing the object to change appearance.

We will be discussing these activities in class and I will be calling on you for answers so be ready.

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