Sunday, November 4, 2012


Mr. Bouse's 7th grade Biology class
   Welcome to the class Blog. This is the site where you will be updated on everything that goes on in my classroom. You should log on everyday to check for updates or changes to any assignments, dates, or anything class related. If you do not check this site regularly, you may miss something and your grade could suffer. On this Blog you will find everything that is due in the coming weeks: the homework assignments, scheduled tests, quizzes, and any other assignments that I assign to you along with due dates. You will also find a wide array of resources to help you learn and understand each lesson. Clicking on the appropriate tabs above will bring you to the pages where you can access all this information.
    Students can post their own comments and questions about anything CLASS RELATED. This is not a place to post things about what you are doing over the weekend, about the sick party that you attended, or about how Jake broke up with Ashley. I will be reading all posts by students and I expect to see professionalism in everything you do. Any postings by students must be original work. This means that no other words by anyone else other than yourself may be posted. I expect you to obey all Copyright laws and be mindful of plagiarism in all postings, homework assignments, or anything else that is passed off as original work. If I find anyone to use someone else's work as their own, serious consequences will occur.
    Take the time now to familiarize yourself with this site, as you will be using it quite often. I am looking forward to great year of learning!